Hi, I'm Agustin.
Web developer based in Hamburg passionate about Front-end Development.
Let's code the future together!
Check out my work.About
I build web applications. My web development and pharmaceutical sciences background give me the research and problem-solving skills needed to create remarkable web applications. I have a strong sense of curiosity that moves me to continuously learn new things and stay up to date, which is a vital part of success in this life of non-stop education called web Development.
I am available for full-time or freelance work, and would happily work pro-bono for charitable causes.
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Check out my portfolio to see my skills in action or get in touch with me and tell me about your ideas.
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My Work
Myflix MovieApp
This single-page application allows users to create an account, obtain information about movies, and make a list of favorites. Users can access their profiles to update personal data. Built using MERN/MEAN stack. Back-end was built using Node.JS, Express, and MongoDB and deployed on Heroku. Built two front-ends, one using React and the other with TypeScript and Angular ...
Technical Requirements
About:- A single-page application (SPA).
- Uses state routing to navigate between views and share URLs.
- Gives users the option to filter movies.
- Gives users the option to sort movies.
- Responsive
- Uses Parcel as its build tool.
- Written using the React library and in ES2015+.
- Uses React axios and async/await.
- Written with React Redux (hence respecting the Flux pattern).
- Uses Bootstrap as a UI library for styling and responsiveness.
- Contains a mix of class components and function components.
- Hosted online
wassApp chat
This WhatsApp-like application for mobile devices (Android and iOS), built using React Native, Expo, and Google Firestore, provides users with a chat interface and allows them to exchange text messages, images and share their location ...
Technical Requirements
About:- Written in React Native.
- Developed using Expo.
- Styled according to the given screen design.
- Chat conversations are stored in Google Firestore Database.
- Authenticates users anonymously via Google Firebase authentication.
- Chat conversations are stored locally.
- Let users pick and send images from the phone’s image library.
- Uses React axios and async/await.
- Lets users take pictures with the device’s camera app, and send them
- Store images in Firebase Cloud Storage.
- Is able to read the user’s location data.
- Location data is sent via the chat in a map view.
- Chat interface and functionality created using the Gifted Chat library.
The Super Incredible Portfolio of Agustin
A responsive one-page website to showcase my projects. It’s written using pure HTML and CSS with a touch of JS for features like the hamburger menu and the read more buttons. I didn’t use any framework or library for it intentionally. The use of Native Variables allowed to avoid repetitive code values ...
Technical Requirements
About:- Uses CSS variables.
- Does not include any external CSS libraries.
- HTML file passes validation on the Markup Validation Service.
- Color follows the AA Accessibility Guidelines.
- Works on the latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera browser versions as well as on IE11.
- Responsive.
Pokédex App
A web app coded with Javascript, HTML, CSS, and jQuery that loads Pokemons data from an external API and enables viewing data points in detail. Pokémon’s Attributes are displayed in a modal by clicking on the name of a pokemon. The code format follows ESLint rules ...
Technical Requirements
About:- The app loads data from an external API.
- It displays a list of items loaded from the API after the page is loaded.
- It enables the viewing of more details for a given list item on-demand.
- It has CSS styling.
- Responsive
- The JavaScript code is formatted according to ESLint rules.
- show loading indicators while loading data.
Meetup App
A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) built with React and using a test-driven development (TDD) approach. It uses the Google Calendar API and OAuth2 authentication flow to fetch upcoming events allowing users to search for a city and get a list of events hosted in that city. A service worker enables the app to work offline or in slow network conditions ...
Technical Requirements
About:- React application.
- Built using the TDD technique.
- Uses the Google Calendar API and OAuth2 authentication flow.
- Serverless functions (AWS lambda) for the authorization server instead of a traditional serve
- Responsive
- Works offline or in slow network conditions with the help of a service worker
- Is installable on desktop and can be added the app to the home screen on mobile
- Uses React axios and async/await.
- Data visualization models
- Covered by tests with a coverage rate >= 90%.
- Monitored using an online monitoring tool.
Myflix API
It is the complete server-side of Myflix. It includes its server, business logic, and business layers. It consists of a well-designed REST API and architected database built using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The REST API can be accessed via commonly used HTTP methods like GET and POST. Similar processes (CRUD) are used to retrieve data from the database and store that data in a non-relational way ...
Technical Requirements
About:- A Node.js and Express application.
- Uses REST architecture, with URL endpoints corresponding to the data operations listed above
- Uses at least three middleware modules, such as the body-parser package for reading data from requests and morgan for logging.
- Uses a “package.json” file.
- Is built using MongoDB.
- Modeled with Mongoose.
- Provides movie information in JSON format.
- The JavaScript code is error-free.
- Tested in Postman.
- Includes user authentication and authorization code.
- Includes data validation logic.
- Meets data security regulation